Hybrid Coupled Networks for Thermal-Electric Integrated Smart Energy Districts


Overall concept and technologies
Project tools and platform


Overall concept and technologies


Overall concept and technologies


Project tools and platform

The Challenges

4th and 5th generations of DHC still face several fundamental technical and social challenges

The integration of thermal and electric grids through a set of renewable-based, digitally-operated and user-centred solutions are key to accelerate the sustainable transition towards future 4th and 5th generations of District Heating and Cooling (DHC) and contribute to EU climate goals by 2050.

The Objectives

Smart Hybrid Grids: the combination of smart thermal and electric networks where all stakeholders drive their actions based on smart trading in Local Energy Communities and exergoeconomic models

HYPERGRYD is a 3,5-year research and innovation action project funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 Programme aiming at six main objectives

Objective #1

Development of RES-based enabling technologies for DHC and integration with electrical grids for cost- and energy-efficient decentralized production, improved demand RES share at building and district levels and increased share of variable RES in Smart Hybrid Grids (SHG).

Objective #2

Development of innovative tools for RES-enabled District Heating and Cooling (DHC) planning and optimization for the effective improvement of planning solutions and increased RES share in 4th and 5th generations DHC.

Objective #3

Development of an integrated ICT platform for coupled networks and interfacing with existing grids, offering seamless transition between different specialized platforms to monitor, analyze and operate the whole system from different aspects and different lifecycle stages.

Objective #4

Validation of HYPERGRYD’s technical solutions, ICT platform and tools in 4 representative Live-In-Labs (LiL) able to simulate 3rd to 5th generation DHC networks in three different climates (cooling dominated, mid H/C and heating dominated).

Objective #5

Engagement of all types of DHC and grid users to ensure a long-lasting appeal of the HYPERGRYD solutions and platforms.

Objective #6

Creation of an exploitation and capacity building plan for wide scalability and replication of HYPERGRYD through user engagement.

The Impacts

The Solution

HYPERGRYD is an ambitious project which implements interdisciplinary actions addressing technical, regulatory and practical barriers towards Smart Hybrid Grids (SHG)

HYPERGRYD relies on 4 pillars following a holistic approach to promote integrations of smart grids, energy storage and increased share of renewable energy based on three main concepts: high dispatchability of RES, DHC and power-to-heat solutions and contextual ICT control strategies, and SHG production which will allow for significant gain in RES share of the overall demand of the urban districts.

Pillar 1

Technologies and ICT tools development

Development of cost-effective and energy-efficient technologies and software solutions, all of them integrated and operated through the HYPERGRYD platform.

View Solutions

Pillar 2

Validation campaign at TRL5

Validation of different technology packages under different operating conditions simulated in four Live-In-Labs to cover scenarios typical of a wide range of climates and DHC/grid typologies.

View Live-In Labs

Pillar 3

User engagement

Strengthening of the market potential and raising awareness of different stakeholders, users and the wider public about HYPERGRYD solutions, and exploiting innovative trading schemes on LECs.

Pillar 4

Value chain creation and business models

Creation of tailored value chains for the proposed technologies and tools, strongly exploiting the HYPERGRYD Stakeholder Community and trying to identify the suitable business models and market opportunities in different European contexts. It also includes the identification of financing solutions to support the HYPERGRYD technologies market penetration.


HYPERGRYD addresses its mission of demonstrating key enabling technologies in the context of low-temperature smart heating and cooling systems in three areas of progress.
The Consortium is composed of 19 partners from 7 different EU countries consisting of multi-purpose technology leaders in Europe as well as software tool providers.
Live-In Labs
For the duration of the project, HYPERGRYD will provide demonstrations through 4 Live-In-Labs cases in 3 representative climates in Italy, Poland and Austria.
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