Live-In Labs
HYPERGRYD will perform a wide demonstration campaign relying on 4 demonstration actions with the aim of reproducing the multi-faceted context of DHC, in terms of operating conditions, technological aspects and use cases.

- Location: BOZEN, ITALY
- Partners: EURAC, RANO
- LiL Type: Research Lab
- HYPERGRYD Technology/Tool: CHP steam buffer (RANO)
Use Case Applications
Expected Results
Targeted KPI's
- Includes several RES for heat, cold and electricity generation: concentrated solar thermal field, gas boiler, absorption unit and Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC).
- All heat and cold generation units are connected to a water distribution network.
- The distribution network is connected to multiple points emulating single users and prosumer configurations.
- System flexibility to run with multiple RES and variable thermal/electric loads simulating different grid typologies and climatic conditions.
Use Case Applications
- DHC with coordinated operation of heat pumps, storages, and PV production.
- RES-based CHP for electricity and heat generation and heat pump mode for grid services.
Expected Results
Proven energy security of the DHC thanks to the integration of steam engine for CHP and of the steam buffer.
Targeted KPI's
- Share of self-consumption in the power and heat supply
- Power density
- System efficiency
- % RES curtailment
Use Case Applications
Expected Results
Targeted KPI's
- Innovation accelerator aiming to partner with enterprises engaged in implementing eco-cleaner and eco-efficient solutions.
- Shareholders are local institutions and utility companies operating in the energy and cleantech sector.
- Urban mini-hydroelectric plant producing 1,700 MWh electricity currently sold to the national grid.
- PV totem of 16 kWp installed, and planning to convert up to 1,300 m2 of flat roof in PV with an expected further 192 MWh of electricity being available for satisfying the demand of the Park.
- Heat is provided by the DH network to the internal heating grid through a HEX.
Use Case Applications
- Islanded mode for electric and heat demand.
- 4th generation DHC high RES share.
- DHC with other energy carriers (e.g., hydrogen).
Expected Results
- Technical and economic feasibility of retrofitting to a 4th generation DHC.
- Combined management and operation of electric and thermal grids.
- Reduction of external energy sources.
Targeted KPI's
- Share of RES for heat and power
- Self-consumption for power and heat
- RES curtailment
- Loss of load hours
- Loss of load probability
KEZO Research Center
- Partners: KEZO, SOR, OCHS, KTH, CNR, AIT
- LiL Type: Laboratory and office buildings
- Type of businesses involved: Academia, public and utilities users
- HYPERGRYD Technology/Tool: Heat pump with PCM storage, sorption storage, novel algorithms for heat pump and DHC management
Use Case Applications
Expected Results
Targeted KPI's
- Three buildings linked in one system.
- The cooling and heating system consists of four main lines connecting all buildings.
- Possibility of testing different thermal levels of the users (20/35ºC or 40/60ºC).
- Each building has its own ventilation system with a ventilation unit in which HEXs are supplied from heating and cooling main lines.
- Transcritical CO2 heat pump, adsorption chiller and PV plant in place, will be integrated with HYPERGRYD technologies.
- Control and management software will be interfaced with HYPERGRYD ICT tools.
Use Case Applications
- Simulation of building, hotel and tertiary loads in small districts.
- DHC with coordinated operation of heat pumps, sorption cooling, storages, and PV production.
Expected Results
Effectiveness of using various sources with heat storage, and optimization of coordinated operation using both hardware and software innovations.
Targeted KPI's
- Primary energy savings
- Avoided GHG emissions
- Increased RES share
- Energy efficiency
- OPEX reduction
- Partners: SONNE, GET, KTH, GSY, ENCO
- LiL Type: Biomass-based Distant Heating System
- Type of businesses involved: Private, public and commercial users
- HYPERGRYD Technology/Tool: GIS-BIM tool (IDP), exergoeconomic model (GET), ENCO dynamic simulation tool and GSY tool for local energy marketplace

Use Case Applications
Expected Results
Targeted KPI's
- Distant heating system of the Municipality of Großschönau based on biomass as heat source.
- As utility, providing throughout the whole year heat for 700 kW installed end-user heat exchanger, representing about 50% of the total heat used within the municipality.
- Customers are residential houses, and commercial and public buildings.
- The heat generation system includes, besides the boiler, a back-up heater, a heat pump and a solar heater.
- Historical data and IoT devices and sensors are available.
Use Case Applications
- Local energy market for heat and power.
- DHC network planning including spatial constraints.
- Real data-driven simulation of multi-carrier DHC.
Expected Results
- Integration of flexible heating systems in electrical grid.
- Dynamic pricing effect on flexible assets.
- Reduced computing time in real-time management.
- Exergy reduction of DHC.
Targeted KPI's
- Self-consumption
- Energy price variation
- Computing time
- Exergy savings