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- Create Date March 19, 2024
- Last Updated March 19, 2024
Deliverable 2.1 Object-oriented dynamic models of Enabling Technologies and RES-based components
Deliverable corresponds to T2.1: Modelling and simulation of Enabling Technologies. Main objective of this task is the discussion of the numerical modelling for the enabling technologies developed, in terms of individual components and systems configurations, considering the operating conditions and frameworks identified in WP1. The models will be exploited to investigate the main parameters affecting the achievable performance of the systems and to identify the most effective solution for the integration in the smart energy grids. The models will be adapted starting from already existing lumped parameters models and will be implemented in a commercial software such as MATLAB/Simulink or Dymola/Modelica whereby it could be integrated (e.g., via FMUs or co-simulations) within WP4 in HYPERGRYD platform. The obtained results under different working conditions will be compared to standard systems based on compression heat pump, sensible storage and RES SoA components, in terms of electrical COP/EER, thermal COP/EER and other possible KPIs defined within WP1. Different control strategies will be tested during modelling to identify the most effective solutions which could optimize the operating conditions of the adapted configurations in terms of technical as well as economical KPIs. The developed models will be progressively refined and calibrated on the basis of experimental activities in lab-scale (T2.2-T2.3). Outcome of the activity will be final adaptation of components and the definition of their optimized configuration for the implementation in WP5.