KTH is in the KEZO Live-in Lab (LiL) and is starting to test Edge Solutions.

KTH’s Qian Wang, Mustapha Habib, and Zeng Peng have developed an innovative and cost-effective AI-based solution for Hypergryd to control and monitor a CO2 heat pump with a district heating emulator at the KEZO PAS Research Centre for future real-time coupled energy grid operations.

The solution is powered by an intelligent edge control panel that brings AI-based functionalities to the BMS, including data bridging to the cloud for backups. Using state-of-the-art IoT communication protocols, the edge solution supports a wide range of data-driven applications, such as fault and anomaly detection (FDD), refined control logic and algorithms, and so on. KTH and KEZO researchers will continue to explore the potential functionalities of protecting raw data while enabling the utilisation of data in different locations, maximising the hidden value of data for building owners, operators, and BMS providers.

As a next step, researchers will continue to evaluate potential energy management and control methods by integrating sorption storage solutions developed by the CNR, where more complex topologies for coupled energy networks will be applied.
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