We have created this section for a better understanding of Hypergryd Project EU and all its members.
To do so, each week, one of the partners will answer some questions.
Let’s get started!
Our guest this week is Helmut Bruckner from SONNEENPLATZ
The role of SONNENPLATZ in the Hypergryd Project EU is the 5.5 task leader in WP5.
But let Helmut Bruckner tell us about it!
1.What is the role of SONNENPLATZ in Hypergryd Project EU?
Sonnenplatz is in charge of the model demonstration and validation of the Hypergryd ICT services at Live in Lab at Großschönau, Austria.

2.How do you contribute to the Hypergryd Project EU with your work?
Within HYPERGRYD a set of ICT tools will be developed and exploited at Sonnenplatz: an interoperable Digital Twin for DHC asset and monitoring data management, a GIS-BIM compatible DHC network piping and configuration planning, and exergoeconomic modelling for 4th and 5th generation of DHC, a coupled modelling, simulation and optimization for multi-carrier systems, as well as a modelling, operating and simulating hierarchical grid-integrated local energy marketplace.
The Austrian LIL in Großschönau will be used to share real-life data for these tasks where possible, and will feed-back user experience, expectations and demands for development.

3. Any tips for the public about SONNENPLATZ work?
Sonnenplatz is a small Research and Awareness raising company in the wider field of sustainability, operating in Großschönau, Austria. In cooperation with the municipality of Großschönau, we are pushing for decades toward sustainable and environmentally friendly ways of living. Großschönau is rated an e5-municipality, was winning the European Energy Award in Gold for its achievements in energy efficiency and has with the fair BIOEM and the permanent exhibition SONNENWELT two nationwide known showcase projects of sustainable thinking and acting.

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Website: www.hypergryd.eu
Hypergryd Project EU, hybrid energy grids for smart energy districts!
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