It has been an intense two days in which we have worked face-to-face on the project. We have been able to visit the SONNEPLATZ facilities, and we have studied some challenges that may cause delays in some activities.
Work on WP2 tasks is ongoing. Tasks related to developing and manufacturing Enabling Technologies, lab-scale testing, and the integrated control system for innovative enabling technologies remain active.

For WP3, a first draft of the report on the exergy-economic optimisation tool (T3.1) has been achieved. The commercial strategy to be implemented in the SONNEPLATZ Living Lab has also been defined (T3.2). Work continues on the coding and configuration of the PLC and the data gateway for the first deployment in the KEZO Living Lab (T3.3). Work continues on D3.5, describing and reporting the energy exchange and smart trading tool for LECs, including simulation studies for living labs as active LECs (T3.4). The partner, ENCORD, continues to work on the ENVI and SONNE park use cases.
Active tasks in WP4 are related to the DHC pipeline planning and configuration platform integrated into GIS-BIM, smart energy services and exploitation tools, workflow management, and end-user API development.
In WP5, work is actively underway with ENCO and GET to complete their integration into the HYPERGRYD platform. In the coming months, the integration of GET and ENCO will be finalised and tested in another Living Lab, such as ENVIPARK or KEZO (T5.2). Regarding the demonstration and validation actions of RES-based enabling technologies (T5.3), the heating consumption in the KEZO building is being measured (data collection), and the metering data of the heating installation is being processed in the KEZO Living Lab. The performance characteristics of the CO2 heat pump and the sorption chiller are determined based on experimental data. The possibility of connecting the sorption storage (by CNR) to the KEZO heating system is being evaluated. The heating and cooling demand characteristics of the KEZO Living Lab are expected to be developed in the coming months.
As you can see in the picture, we had the opportunity to visit the SONNENPLATZ Living Lab facilities. It was a very enriching experience to visualise the work and think about the use cases of the Living Labs.

Regarding exploitation, the Exploitable Results (ER) have been updated, and each will be attributed to the level of Innovation. Work is underway to define which Exploitable is KEY, combined with indicators from the Horizon Europe Key Impact Pathways and programme-specific indicators.
And, of course, from the project communication and dissemination work package, we will continue working to make known the work done in Hypergryd and expand the results.