The 1st HYPERGRYD General Assembly was held on October 7th and 8th in Barcelona. The meeting kicked-off with a review of the project’s vision and objectives, presented by the Project Coordinators, Àngel Font and Francesco Milani, from ARCbcn. Afterwards, partners did brief presentations of each company in order to get to know the consortium.
During the first and second day, each work package leader presented the major objectives and deliverables, what the WP expected from the partners, the immediate objectives (6-month plan) and the potential risks detected.

All in all, the meeting was a fantastic opportunity to meet the partners personally and be able to discuss all the concerns and particularities of the project. We thank ARCbcn for organizing and all partners for their participation and collaboration during these two days.
It has been a great start for the project and we are excited to start working towards future 4th and 5th generations of District Heating and Cooling and contribute to EU climate goals by 2050!